What is The Big Stick?

The Big Stick is a platform I’ve created to discuss and analyze national security and international relations mostly as they relate to United States policy. We offer two distinct products: a (hopefully) daily email newsletter and various essays on different big picture subjects.

My goal with the BLUF newsletter is to provide short, easily digestible analysis on critical news stories from around the world and explain why they are important to national security and/or international relations. The Big Stick isn’t intended to be an objective news source, though I will do my best to cite my work where and when I can.

Views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of any outside organization.

Why subscribe?

It’s my hope that The Big Stick will help inform and inspire curiosity in national security, foreign policy, and international relations. My goal isn’t to chase headlines or produce clickbait, nor do I want to bore my readers to death with high-brow thinkpieces. Many of the topics you will see here may not be “sexy” but I will do my best to target issues and stories that I believe are critical to U.S. national security policy.

Does it cost anything?

The Big Stick newsletter is free and always will be. I plan to keep the essay series free as well, though depending on audience interest, I may offer extra content for paid subscribers or explore a donation system.

Subscribe to The Big Stick

Deep dives on international security and foreign policy.


National security enjoyer, DHS alumn, recovering Hill staffer, and former Pentagon journo. Proprietor of @TheBigStick Views expressed mine alone.